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Children On Their Birthdays
My Rating:
(out of 5 stars)
3 Stars
Children On Their Birthdays Poster
Primary Location: First Saw:On DVD Saw at/with: on DVD w/ Suzy & Kendra
Rating: Year: 2002 Category: Drama Children
Director: Mark Medoff Time: 102 min. Writer: Truman Capote & Douglas Slone

Mine: Sweet and winning tale of youth in the aftermath of World War II. Starts to drag a little near the end, but still well worth viewing, especially with kids.
Leonard Maltin/Plot synopsis: 12 year old Lily Bobbit moves to Medda, Ala, and immediately makes an impression on the residents when she and her friends team up to outsmart a con man, the town is changed forever.
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Sheryl Lee as:
Joe Pichler as:
Billy Bob Murphy
Jesse Plemons Jesse Plemons as:
Preacher Star
Tania Raymonde as:
Lilly Jane Bobbitt
Christopher McDonald Christopher McDonald as:
Speedy Thorne
Tom Arnold Tom Arnold as:
Lionel Quince
Phyllis Frelich as:
Mrs. Bobbitt
Cynthia Baker as:
Ada Willingham