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The Truth About Charlie
My Rating:
(out of 5 stars)
1.5 Stars
The Truth About Charlie Poster
Primary Location: First Saw:In Theatre Saw at/with: at Showcase Orange
Rating: PG-13 Year: 2002 Category: Drama Thriller
Director: Jonathan Demme Time: 107 min. Writer: Jonathan Demme & Peter Stone

Mine: The question that comes to my mind is why would you try and remake a movie like "Charade". The original is a great deal of fun mostly because of the chemistry and style of Cary Grant and Audrey Hepburn. The leads here are never very appealling. Mark Wahlberg is a good actor, but this requires a very light touch and that is not his stength. The whole movie is flat and uninteresting. The only fun moments are provided by the use of Charles Aznavour and his music.
Leonard Maltin/Plot synopsis: A young woman in Paris is about to divorce her husband when she discovers... he's dead; and all their money is gone. She meets a mysterious man, who tells her that the money was really his, and he wants it back, seemingly convinced that she's hiding the cash. Meanwhile, more people end up dead.
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Tim Robbins Tim Robbins as:
Mr. Bartholomew
Thandie Newton Thandie Newton as:
Regina Lampert
Ted Levine as:
Emil Zatapec
Mark Wahlberg Mark Wahlberg as:
Joshua Peters
Lisa Gay Hamilton as:
Lola Janesco
Stephen Dillane as:
Charles Lambert
Anna Karina as:
Joong-Hoon Park as:
Il-sang Lee
Christine Boisson as:
Comm. Dominique