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Boiling Point
My Rating:
(out of 5 stars)
2 Stars
Boiling Point Poster
Primary Location: First Saw:On TV Saw at/with: w/ Suzy on Starz
Rating: R Year: 1993 Category: Drama Action
Director: James B. Harris Time: 92 min. Writer: James B. Harris

Mine: Muddled and rudderless! What is the point of this movie. It goes to great pains to set up the final confruntation and then does nothing interesting with it.
Leonard Maltin/Plot synopsis: Red is an aging scam-artist who's just been released from prison together with Ronnie, a young and not-so-bright hoodlum who is easily manipulated. Their new business is to organize fake-money sales and then kill the buyer to take his money; but when Ronnie kills an undercover secret service agent, his partner Jimmy Mercer vows revenge and is given one week to catch the killers before being transferred.
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Wesley Snipes Wesley Snipes as:
Jimmy Mercer
Dennis Hopper Dennis Hopper as:
Red Diamond
Lolita Davidovich Lolita Davidovich as:
Vikki Dunbar
Viggo Mortensen Viggo Mortensen as:
Seymour Cassel Seymour Cassel as:
Virgil Leach
Valerie Perrine Valerie Perrine as:
Paul Gleason Paul Gleason as:
Transaction Man
Christine Elise as: