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Tuck Everlasting
My Rating:
(out of 5 stars)
3 Stars
Tuck Everlasting Poster
Primary Location: First Saw:In Theatre Saw at/with: w/ Kendra & Suzy at Showcase Berlin
Rating: NR Year: 2002 Category: Drama Romance Children Fantasy
Director: Jay Russell Time: 90 min. Writer: Natalie Babbitt & Jeffery Lieber

Mine: Beautifully filmed and finely acted. A touching and winning story. Nice to see a movie aimed at children that actually tries to handle some important and difficult material; and succeeds! The end had me crying. So really terrific scenery.
Leonard Maltin/Plot synopsis: A young woman meets and falls in love with a young man who is part of a family of immortals.
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Alexis Bledel Alexis Bledel as:
Winnie Foster
William Hurt William Hurt as:
Angus Tuck
Sissy Spacek Sissy Spacek as:
Mae Tuck
Jonathan Jackson as:
Jesse Tuck
Scott Bairstow as:
Miles Tuck
Ben Kingsley Ben Kingsley as:
Man in the Yellow Suit
Amy Irving Amy Irving as:
Mother Foster
Victor Garber Victor Garber as:
Robert Foster