Attack of the Clones |
My Rating: (out of 5 stars) |  |
Primary Location: |
First Saw:In Theatre |
Saw at/with: w/ Durkins, Scott, etc. at Showcase North Haven
Rating: NR
Category: Drama Romance Sci-Fi Action
George Lucas
132 min.
George Lucas
| Reviews |
Mine: |
Well this one is easily the weekest of the five Star Wars movies so far. The "plot" is almost undecipherable. Who is the Jedi that ordered the Clones? What was that whole conversation between Obi-Wan and Dooku about? Sloppy story telling at best. Christensen is just awful! Maybe a better actor could have pull this off, but I doubt it.
I think that maybe George Lucas should have someone else direct these films. Here he has some top notch actors (Jackson, Portman, McGregor, Lee) but none of them act a bit. There is no real dramatic tension or flow to the film at all. The story keeps chopping back and forth between Obi-Wan, Anakin & Padme, and Corisant. This makes it hard for any of the plot lines to be effective.
The romance does not work. We can see the arrogance, anger and power of Anakin, but never see the charm or appeal. Why would Padme fall for this guy. The Han Solo character in the original trilogy had many of the same "bad" traits, but had great charm and appeal. The visuals are amazing. Even Phantom Menace was better.
Leonard Maltin/Plot synopsis: |
Ten years later, Anakin Skywalker shares a forbidden romance with Padmé, while Obi-Wan investigates an assassination attempt on the Princess and discovers a secret clone army crafted for the Jedi.
User Reviews: |
Jeff Lemke's rating:
 (out of 5 stars) |
One of the best Star Wars Films. Acting was good,not nearly as bad as critics would like you to believe. Yoda CGI was awsome, as was much of the CGI work (way better than Spiderman). George Lucas has never been the best at directing actors, but the camera work and action direction in this film was the best of all SW films. Story moved well, and I founthAT the intercutting kept things more fresh without getting stuck on one topic. The story itself works well if you simply understand this is chapter 2 of a six part movie. Ten years from now the person who ordered the creation of the clones, the explanation of Qui-Gon Gins voice, and many other unanswered questions will seem obvious and moot as far as the film is concerned. We will know the answers. Overall, very entertaining. That's what movies are for, right?
Axel's rating:
 (out of 5 stars) |
Weakest Star Wars film?! You gotta be joking. It's not perfect, but it easily surpasses Episode I by far. Natalie Portman puts in some good acting and even Hayden Christiansen does. Jar Jar is hardly there. Great lightsaber battles and Yoda rocks! Overall, good entry in the Star Wars series. Makes Episode I look like a commercial by far.
Mark's rating: None Given (out of 5 stars) |
Attack of The Clones
I hate Christensen's performance, it's horrible, but the rest of the movie is actually o.k. unless you think it over and say why did they do that.
| Cast |