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Death to Smoochy
My Rating:
(out of 5 stars)
3.5 Stars
Death to Smoochy Poster
Primary Location: First Saw:In Theatre Saw at/with: w/ Suzy at Showcase Berlin
Rating: R Year: 2002 Category: Comedy
Director: Danny DeVito Time: 109 min. Writer: Adam Resnick

Mine: VERY funny and VERY dark. I laughed half the way home just thinking about it. Not for everyone. The satire of childrens TV is right on the money. Williams is almost always over the top and here it works! Norton is well cast as the squeaky clean Mopes. I really enjoyed this. Quite strange.
Leonard Maltin/Plot synopsis: Kids show host Rainbow Randolph is fired in disgrace while his replacement, Sheldon Mopes, aka Smoochy the Rhino, finds himself a rising star. Unfortunately for Sheldon, the kid's TV business isn't all child's play.
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Robin Williams Robin Williams as:
Rainbow Randolph
Edward Norton Edward Norton as:
Smoochy (Sheldon Mopes)
Danny DeVito Danny DeVito as:
Jon Stewart as:
M. Frank Stokes
Catherine Keener Catherine Keener as:
Nora Wells
Harvey Fierstein Harvey Fierstein as:
Merv Green
Pam Ferris as:
Tommy Cotter
Michael Rispoli Michael Rispoli as:
Spinner Dunn