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Rambling Rose
My Rating:
(out of 5 stars)
2.5 Stars
Rambling Rose Poster
Primary Location: First Saw:On DVD Saw at/with: w/ Cheri on DVD
Rating: R Year: 1991 Category: Drama
Director: Martha Coolidge Time: 112 min. Writer: Calder Willingham

Mine: This is pretty much all atmosphere and character, precious little plot. Still it is watchable. Dern is quite good. A nice period movie.
Leonard Maltin/Plot synopsis: Rose, is taken in by the Hillyer family to serve as a 1930s housemaid so that she can avoid falling into a life of prostitution. Rose's appearence and personality is such that all men fall for her, and Rose knows it. She can't help herself from getting into trouble with men. "Daddy" Hillier soon grows tired of Rose's rambling ways
User Reviews:
Secret admirer's rating:
5 Stars
(out of 5 stars)
Evan Lockwood is so hot now!!! He might not always treat girls like he should but he is still hot!
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Laura Dern Laura Dern as:
Robert Duvall Robert Duvall as:
Diane Ladd Diane Ladd as:
Lukas Haas as:
John Heard John Heard as:
Wilcox Hillyer
Kevin Conway as:
Dr. Martinson
Evan Lockwood as:
Robert John Burke as:
Dave Wilkie