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Gone with the Wind
My Rating:
(out of 5 stars)
2.5 Stars
Gone with the Wind Poster
Primary Location: First Saw:On TV Saw at/with: on TV while babysittint
Rating: NR Year: 1939 Category: Drama
Director: Victor Flemming Time: 234 min. Writer: Sidney Howard

Mine: Really, really long. I mean way too long. Still it has some great moments and a couple of really spectaular scenes. A soap opera of a movie and that is not my cup of tea. Did I mention that it is kind of long.
Leonard Maltin/Plot synopsis: If not the greatest movie ever made, certainly one of the greatest examples of storytelling on film, maintaining interest for nearly four hours. Margaret Mitchell's story is, in effect, a Civil War soap opera, focusing on vixenish Southern belle Scarlett O'Hara, brilliantly played by Leigh; she won Oscar, as did the picture, McDaniel, director Fleming, screenwriter Sidney Howard (posthumously), many others. Memorable music by Max Steiner in this one-of-a-kind film meticulously produced by David O. Selznick. Followed over five decades later by a TV mini-series, Scarlett.
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Vivien Leigh as:
Scarlett O'Hara
Clark Gable as:
Rhett Buttler
Olivia de Havilland as:
Melanie Hamilton
Leslie Howard as:
Ashley Wilkes
Hattie McDaniel as:
Thomas Mitchell as:
Gerald O'Hara
George Reeves as:
Stuart Tarleton
Butterfly McQueen as: