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My Rating:
(out of 5 stars)
3 Stars
Diner Poster
Primary Location: First Saw:On DVD Saw at/with: w/ Suzy at her House
Rating: R Year: 1982 Category: Drama
Director: Barry Levinson Time: 110 min. Writer: Barry Levinson

Mine: Very well acted and written. Every one contibutes. Interesting look at life in the late 50's for a bunch of guys in their 20's. I guess that my only criticism is the gag about seeing Steve Guttenbergs bride, it add nothing and is a bit distracting.
Leonard Maltin/Plot synopsis: Problems of growing up are nicely synthesized by writer-director Levinson in this look at a group of friends who hang out in a Baltimore diner in the 1950s. Obviously made with care and affection; a real sleeper. Levinson's directorial debut and first film of Barkin and Reiser.
User Reviews:
christine's rating:
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(out of 5 stars)
whats the movie theater's name? haha thanks
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Steve Guttenberg Steve Guttenberg as:
Edward Simmons
Daniel Stern Daniel Stern as:
Laurence Schreiber
Mickey Rourke Mickey Rourke as:
Robert Sheftell
Kevin Bacon Kevin Bacon as:
Timothy Fenwick, Jr.
Timothy Daly as:
William Howard
Ellen Barkin Ellen Barkin as:
Paul Reiser Paul Reiser as:
Kathryn Dowling as: