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Stuart Little
My Rating:
(out of 5 stars)
2.5 Stars
Stuart Little Poster
Primary Location: First Saw:On Video Saw at/with: With Kendra at Suzy's
Rating: PG" Year: 1999 Category: Comedy Children
Director: Rob Minkoff Time: 84 min. Writer: E. B. White & M. Night Shyamalan

Mine: Kind of fun, but really geered for the kids.
Leonard Maltin/Plot synopsis: Cute family film loosely based on E. B. White's much-loved book about a mouse, adopted by a human family, who falls prey to the plotting of a jealous housecat. Sincere human performances and remarkable computer animation of Stuart make this entertaining for young and old alike.
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MIchael J. Fox as:
Stuart Little
Geena Davis Geena Davis as:
Eleanor Little
Hugh Laurie Hugh Laurie as:
Fredrick Littel
Jonathan Lipnicki as:
George Little
Nathan Lane Nathan Lane as:
Chazz Palminteri Chazz Palminteri as:
Smokey, Chief Ally Cat
Steve Zahn Steve Zahn as:
Monty, the moth
Bruno Kirby Bruno Kirby as:
Mr. Stout
Jennifer Tilly Jennifer Tilly as:
Mrs. Stour
Jeffrey Jones Jeffrey Jones as:
Uncle Chrensaw Little
Stan Freberg as:
Race Announcer
Jon Polito Jon Polito as:
Harold Gould Harold Gould as:
Grandpa Spenser Little