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My Rating:
(out of 5 stars)
2.5 Stars
Mulan Poster
Primary Location: First Saw:On Video Saw at/with: w/ Kendra at Suzy House
Rating: G Year: 1998 Category: Children Action
Director: Tony Bancroft Time: 88 min. Writer: Robert D. San Souci

Mine: It is very nice looking, but the music is decidedly sub-par. The story is a bit lame as well. Not one of Disney's better movies.
Leonard Maltin/Plot synopsis: Disney's animated musical rendering of an ancient Chinese legend, about a headstrong daughter who disguises as a boy in order to take her father's place in the Imperial Army--and bring honor to her family. Strikingly staged and designed, with a strong and appealing leading character; the constant comedy "relief," while funny, seems jarring and unnecessary in such a strong dramatic tale.
User Reviews:
Axel's rating:
5 Stars
(out of 5 stars)
Subpar? Yeah, right. This movie is actually one of Disney's best animated classics. The songs in it are quite good, especially Donny Osmond's "Make a Man Out of You." Jerry Goldsmith composes yet another great score in his career. While the humor is quite funny, I did agree with Leonard Maltin that it did seem out of place. Nevertheless, this is grand entertainment. Great stuff. It's not bad like Chris says it is.
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Ming-Na as:
Eddie Murphy Eddie Murphy as:
BD Wong BD Wong as:
Capt. Li Shang
Donny Osmond as:
Capt. Li Shang (Singing)
Harvey Fierstein Harvey Fierstein as:
Miguel Ferrer Miguel Ferrer as:
Pat Morita as:
Gedde Watanobe` as:
Miriam Margolyes Miriam Margolyes as:
The Matchmaker