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The Shadow
My Rating:
(out of 5 stars)
3 Stars
The Shadow Poster
Primary Location: First Saw:In Theatre Saw at/with: w/ Adam Brusic at Showcase North Haven
Rating: PG-13 Year: 1994 Category: Action Sci-Fi
Director: Russell Mulcahy Time: 108 min. Writer: David Koepp

Mine: A great look. A fun to watch, if ultimatly a bit empty. Could have been much better.
Leonard Maltin/Plot synopsis: Lamont Cranston, having lived a life of moral degradation, is ``reborn'' as a singleminded crimefighter with the ability to cloud men's minds. This adaptation of the venerable pulp novels and beloved radio show (brought to the screen before in the late 1930s, and in a 1940 serial) comes frustratingly close to working, but fails. Cranston is both inscrutable and uninteresting. Great production design and wonderful effects get lost in a movie that keeps the viewer at arm's length throughout. And what a waste of a great supporting cast!
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Alec Baldwin Alec Baldwin as:
Lamont Cranston/The Shadow
John Lone as:
Shiwan Khan
Penelope Ann Miller Penelope Ann Miller as:
Margo Lane
Peter Boyle Peter Boyle as:
Moe Shrevnitz
Tim Curry Tim Curry as:
Farley Claymore
Jonathan Winters Jonathan Winters as:
Wainwright Barth
Sab Shimono as:
Dr. Roy Tam
James Hong as:
Li Peng