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American Pie 2
My Rating:
(out of 5 stars)
2 Stars
American Pie 2 Poster
Primary Location: First Saw:In Theatre Saw at/with: Showcase North Haven
Rating: R Year: 2001 Category: Comedy
Director: James B. Rogers Time: 115 min. Writer: Adam Herz & David H. Steinberg

Mine: A series of sketches rather than an actual movie. Some of the bits are quite funny. Nice to see them focus on the Jason Biggs character. Just never has any plot line energy. Some of the bits go on WAY to long.
Leonard Maltin/Plot synopsis: The continuing bawdy adventures of a group of friends reuniting after their first year of college.
User Reviews:
YUM's rating:
5 Stars
(out of 5 stars)
Loved it!
MovieManRyan's rating:
1 star
(out of 5 stars)
What's up with Jason Biggs, his a nerd! I don't know. The comedy was alright, not as good as the first. To make the movie better they could of had more hot chicks naked. And leave out everything out, but the movie wasn't that bad. You can still get a laugh.
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Jennifer Coolidge Jennifer Coolidge as:
Stifler\'s Mom
Shannon Elizabeth Shannon Elizabeth as:
Chris Klein Chris Klein as:
Chris Ostreicher
Alyson Hannigan Alyson Hannigan as:
Thomas Ian Nicholas as:
Eugene Levy Eugene Levy as:
Jim\'s Dad
Natasha Lyonne Natasha Lyonne as:
Tara Reid Tara Reid as:
Vichy Lathum
Jason Biggs Jason Biggs as:
Mena Suvari Mena Suvari as:
Seann William Scott Seann William Scott as:
Steve Stifler
Casey Affleck Casey Affleck as:
Tom Myers
John Cho John Cho as: