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My Rating:
(out of 5 stars)
2 Stars
Evolution Poster
Primary Location: First Saw:In Theatre Saw at/with: at Branford Hoyts
Rating: PG-13 Year: 2001 Category: Comedy Sci-Fi
Director: Ivan Reitman Time: 101 min. Writer: Ron Jokoby & David Diamond

Mine: Uneven, at time this is a funny movie, but I don't think that it as enough ideas or wit to make it a movie that I would recommend. Still enjoyable at parts. Duchovny has a fair sense of comic timing. To creepy to be funny?
Leonard Maltin/Plot synopsis: A firefighting cadet, two college professors, and a geeky-but-sexy government scientist work against an alien organism that has been rapidly evolving ever since its arrival on Earth inside a meteor.
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Julianne Moore Julianne Moore as:
Allison Redd
Orlando Jones as:
Harry Block
Seann William Scott Seann William Scott as:
Wayne Green
Ty Burrell as:
Ted Levine as:
Dr. Woodman
Dan Aykroyd Dan Aykroyd as:
The Govenor
Micheal Bower as:
Danny Donald
David Duchovny David Duchovny as:
Ira Kane
Sarah Silverman Sarah Silverman as:
John Cho John Cho as: