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Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil
My Rating:
(out of 5 stars)
2.5 Stars
Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil Poster
Primary Location: First Saw:On DVD Saw at/with:
Rating: R Year: 1997 Category: Drama
Director: Clint Eastwood Time: 155 min. Writer: John Berendt & John Lee Hancock

Mine: The thing that made the book so much fun was the sense of the town of Savannah. The strangeness and quirkyness of the people. That is a very hard thing to get across in a movie, and this one doesn't do it. Still worth watching for a good performance from Kevin Spacey and to see Lady Chablis play herself.
Leonard Maltin/Plot synopsis: Meandering adaptation of John Berendt's best-seller about some of the more eccentric denizens of Savannah, Georgia. Cusack plays a N. Y. reporter assigned to cover Spacey's A-list Christmas party; when that gracious, noveau riche bon vivant is accused of murder later the same night, Cusack decides to stick around and see what happens. Never terribly compelling, despite several likable performances, and fatally overlong.
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Jack Thompson as:
Sonny Seiler
Jude Law Jude Law as:
Billy Carl Hanson
Irma P. Hall as:
Alison Eastwood as:
Mandy Nichols
Lady Chablis as:
Lady Chablis
Dorothy Loudon as:
Serena Dawes
John Cusack John Cusack as:
John Kelso
Kevin Spacey Kevin Spacey as:
Jim Williams