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Bed of Roses
My Rating:
(out of 5 stars)
3 Stars
Bed of Roses Poster
Primary Location: First Saw:On DVD Saw at/with:
Rating: PG Year: 1996 Category: Romance
Director: Michael Goldenberg Time: 88 min. Writer: Michael Godenberg

Mine: A very quite movie, but sweet and enjoyable. The premise is a bit hard to swallow, and some of the plot points are easy to see coming. If I can see them, they must be obvious. The leads are quite winning. It made me cry.
Leonard Maltin/Plot synopsis: Business exec Masterson is courted by florist Slater (a young widower), but her past troubled relationships prevent her from committing to him. Attempt at a serious romantic film is emotionally off the mark, though the performers try their best.
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Christian Slater Christian Slater as:
Lewis Farrell
Mary Stuart Masterson Mary Stuart Masterson as:
Lisa Walker
Pamela Segall as:
Josh Brolin Josh Brolin as:
Brian Tarantina as:
Debra Monk as:
Lewis' Mom
Mary Alice as:
Kenneth Granham as: