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Lawrence of Arabia
My Rating:
(out of 5 stars)
3.5 Stars
Lawrence of Arabia Poster
Primary Location: First Saw:On DVD Saw at/with:
Rating: PG Year: 1962 Category: Drama
Director: David Lean Time: 222 min. Writer: T. E. Lawrence & Robert Bolt

Mine: A stirring epic. Amazing performance by O'Toole. watching this on DVD made me wish that I had a bigger TV. The dessert is a huge part of this movie. Great stuff.
Leonard Maltin/Plot synopsis: Blockbuster biography of enigmatic adventurer T. E. Lawrence is that rarity, an epic film that is also literate. Loses some momentum in the second half, but still a knockout--especially in 1989 reissue version, which restored many cuts made over the years (and made a few judicious trims in the process). Still, the only way to really appreciate this film is on a big screen. Screenplay by Robert Bolt and Michael Wilson, based on Lawrence's book The Seven Pillars of Wisdom. Seven Oscars include Best Picture, Director, Cinematography (Freddie Young), Score (Maurice Jarre), Editing, and Art Direction. O'Toole's first leading role made him an instant star. Beware of shorter prints. Originally 222m. Super Panavision 70.
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Peter O'Toole Peter O'Toole as:
T. E. Lawrence
Alec Guinness Alec Guinness as:
Prince Feisal
Anthony Wuinn as:
Auda abu Tayi
Jack Hawkins as:
Gen. Allenby
Omar Sharif as:
Sherif Ali
Jose ferrer as:
Turkish Bey
Anthony Quayle as:
Col. Brighton
Claude Rains as:
Mr. Dryden