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My Rating:
(out of 5 stars)
3 Stars
Blow Poster
Primary Location: First Saw:In Theatre Saw at/with: at Branford Hoyts w/ Mark, Holli and Cheri
Rating: NC-17 Year: 2001 Category: Drama
Director: Ted Demme Time: 124 min. Writer: Bruce Porter & David McKenna

Mine: Very well acted by a top notch cast. The story itself takes too long to unfold and lacks a bit of objectivity. It is hard for me to buy this guy, he is too nice. For a drug runner he comes off way to well. All his problems are someone else's fault; his wife, his mother, his partners. Still, well acted.
Leonard Maltin/Plot synopsis: The story of George Jung, the man who established the American cocaine market in the 1970s.
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Johnny Depp Johnny Depp as:
George Jung
Penelope Cruz Penelope Cruz as:
Franka Potente Franka Potente as:
Paul Reubens Paul Reubens as:
Derek Foreal
Ray Liotta Ray Liotta as:
Fred Jung
Noah Emmerich Noah Emmerich as:
Rachel Griffiths Rachel Griffiths as:
George\'s Mother
Bob Goldthwait as:
Drug Buyer
Cliff Curtis Cliff Curtis as:
Poblo Escobar
Emma Roberts Emma Roberts as:
Young Kristina Jung