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Joe Gould's Secret
My Rating:
(out of 5 stars)
3 Stars
Joe Gould's Secret Poster
Primary Location: First Saw:On DVD Saw at/with: at home with Nata
Rating: R Year: 2000 Category: Drama
Director: Stanley Tucci Time: 110 min. Writer: Joseph Michell & Howard A. Rodman

Mine: Interesting movie. A very nice portrayl of New York in the 40's. Tucci and Holm give wonderful performances. Maybe not either funny enough or sad enough or dramatic enough. Seem not quite what it could be. Still very worth seeing.
Leonard Maltin/Plot synopsis: Around 1940, New Yorker staff writer Joe Mitchell meets Joe Gould, a Greenwich Village character who cadges meals, drinks, and contributions to the Joe Gould Fund and who is writing a voluminous Oral History of the World, a record of 20,000 conversations he's overheard. Mitchell is fascinated with this Harvard grad and writes a 1942 piece about him, "Professor Seagull," bringing Gould some celebrity and an invitation to join the Greenwich Village Ravens, a poetry club he's often crashed. Gould's touchy, querulous personality and his frequent dropping in on Mitchell for hours of chat lead to a breakup, but the two Joes stay in touch until Gould's death and Mitchell's unveiling of the secret.
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Ian Holm Ian Holm as:
Joe Gould
Stanley Tucci Stanley Tucci as:
Joe Mitchell
Hope Davis Hope Davis as:
Therese Mitchell
Celia Weston Celia Weston as:
Patrick Tovatt as:
Harold Ross
Susan Sarandon Susan Sarandon as:
Alice Neel
John Tormey as:
Harry Holis
Steve Martin Steve Martin as:
Charlie Duell
Aida Turturro Aida Turturro as:
Patricia Clarkson Patricia Clarkson as:
Vivian Marquie