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The Mexican
My Rating:
(out of 5 stars)
2.5 Stars
The Mexican Poster
Primary Location: First Saw:In Theatre Saw at/with: at Branford Hoyts
Rating: R Year: 2001 Category: Comedy
Director: Gore Verbinski Time: 123 min. Writer: J. H. WYMAN

Mine: Kind of fun. Brad does a good enough job. Julia is a bit flat and uninteresting. Some how the overall effect is not very satisfying. Gandolfini has the most interesting role and he does a good job with it.
Leonard Maltin/Plot synopsis: A man tries to transport an ancient gun called The Mexican, believed to carry a curse, back across the border, while his girlfriend pressures him to give up his criminal ways.
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Brad Pitt Brad Pitt as:
Jerry Welbach
Julia Roberts Julia Roberts as:
Samantha Barzel
James Gandolfini James Gandolfini as:
David Krumholtz David Krumholtz as:
Gene Hackman Gene Hackman as:
Beck\'s Grandfather
Luis Felipe Tovar as:
Bob Balaban Bob Balaban as:
J.K. Simmons J.K. Simmons as:
Ted Slocum