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Evil Under the Sun
My Rating:
(out of 5 stars)
3 Stars
Evil Under the Sun Poster
Primary Location: First Saw:On TV Saw at/with:
Rating: PG Year: 1982 Category: Thriller
Director: Guy Hamilton Time: 117 min. Writer: Agatha Christie & Anthony Shaffer

Mine: Fun, but nothing great.
Leonard Maltin/Plot synopsis: Murder at a resort hotel, with Hercule Poirot (Ustinov) to the rescue. An all-star cast and top production values, but still blah. Based on the Agatha Christie novel, with a script by Anthony Shaffer; exteriors filmed in Majorca.
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Peter Ustinov Peter Ustinov as:
Hercule Poirot
Colin Blakely as:
Sir Horace Blatt
Maggie Smith Maggie Smith as:
Daphne Castle
Roddy McDowall Roddy McDowall as:
Rex Brewster
James Mason as:
Odell Gardener
Diana Rigg as:
Arlena Marshal
Dennis Quilley as:
Cpt. Marshall
Sylvia Miles as:
Myra Gardener