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Tom Sawyer
My Rating:
(out of 5 stars)
3 Stars
Tom Sawyer Poster
Primary Location: First Saw:On TV Saw at/with: On Wonderful World of Disney
Rating: G Year: 1973 Category: Children Action
Director: Don Taylor Time: 103 min. Writer: Rober B. Sherman

Mine: Lots of fun. Nice perfomances by the kids. Some how captures the flavor of Twain's book.
Leonard Maltin/Plot synopsis: Well-crafted musical remake of Tom Sawyer, the boy wonder of Hannibal, Mo. , and his friends Huckleberry Finn and Becky Thatcher. Songs by Richard M. and Robert B. Sherman. Panavision.
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Johnny Whitaker as:
Tom Sawyer
Celeste Holm as:
Aunt Polly
Warren Oates as:
Muff Potter
Jeff East as:
Huckleberry Finn
Jodie Foster Jodie Foster as:
Becky Thatcher
Lucille Benson as:
Widder Douglas
Henry Jones Henry Jones as:
Mr. Dobbins
Noah Keen as:
Judge Thatcher