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Charlie's Angels
My Rating:
(out of 5 stars)
2.5 Stars
Charlie's Angels Poster
Primary Location: First Saw:In Theatre Saw at/with: Hoyts Branford w/ Cheri and Dainel
Rating: PG-13 Year: 2000 Category: Comedy Action
Director:  McG Time: 98 min. Writer: Ivan Goff & Ben Roberts

Mine: Fun in a really goofy way. It shows what an impact "The Matrix" has had on movies. The jumping, kickin, bullet waves, and general tone of the action is very much like "The Matrix". The oly real problem that I have with that is that in "The Matrix" they explained how you could do all this amazing stuff, here they violate the laws of gravity and physics regularly. Lucy and Cameron are kind of duds in this. Bill and Drew are quite a hoot. They seem to realize the pervasive sillyness going on and feed into it. Beautiful people, some interesting action, lame plot, but good fun all the same.
Leonard Maltin/Plot synopsis: Three women, detectives with a mysterious boss, retrieve stolen voice-ID software, using martial arts, tech skills, and sex appeal.
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Drew Barrymore Drew Barrymore as:
Cameron Diaz Cameron Diaz as:
Lucy Liu Lucy Liu as:
Bill Murray Bill Murray as:
Tim Curry Tim Curry as:
Roger Corwin
Crispin Glover Crispin Glover as:
Thin Man
Kelly Kynch as:
Vivian Wood
Sam Rockwell Sam Rockwell as:
Luke Wilson Luke Wilson as:
Natalies Boyfriend
Tom Green as:
Matt LeBlanc as:
Alex's Boyfreind