Pay It Forward |
My Rating: (out of 5 stars) |  |
Primary Location: |
First Saw:In Theatre |
Saw at/with: Showcase Orange with Cheri
Rating: PG-13
Category: Drama
Mimi Leder
122 min.
Catherine Ryan Hyde & Leslie Dixon
| Reviews |
Mine: |
Top notch. Slightly melodramatic, but really well done. The trio of stars does a top notch job. Good idea. Interesting exicution. It was not what I expected.
Leonard Maltin/Plot synopsis: |
A young boy attempts to make the world a better place after his teacher gives him that chance.
User Reviews: |
Eric Walklet's rating:
 (out of 5 stars) |
The year's most unappreciated movie.
It's warm, touching, and it makes you want to change something about yourself. You know a movie is special when you walk out of it with some new addition to your soul or yourself. But enough Zen and more movie talk...
Kevin Spacey and Haley Joel Osment deliver two Oscar worthy performances, and it's a shame they weren't nominated. Helen Hunt falls halfway between brilliant and annoying, so it's difficult to judge her.
The story itself seems like an interwieving of two thousand different cliches and overused utopian ideals, but for some strange reason, it works. A couple laughs and a few tears. It's all good.
But the score... Incredible. Thomas Newman, the same guy who did the music for American Beauty, creates another incredible soundtrack that flirts with avant-garde and synthetic patterns. And he uses the same great xylophone chords that he did in American Beauty. It's different, but you'll like it.
Be a human being and see this movie. The bad ratings shouldn't bother you.
| Cast |