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National Lampoon Goes to the Movies
My Rating:
(out of 5 stars)
1 star
National Lampoon Goes to the Movies Poster
Primary Location: First Saw:On TV Saw at/with: On HBO
Rating: R Year: 1981 Category: Comedy
Director: Bob Giraldi Time: min. Writer: Tod Carroll & Shary Flenniken

Mine: Really bad.
Leonard Maltin/Plot synopsis: Incredibly idiotic parody of the movies, presented in three excruciating parts, each one worse than the next. ``Personal growth'' films, Harold Robbins/Sidney Sheldon soap operas and police movies are spoofed; a fourth segment, parodying disaster films and featuring Allen Goorwitz (Garfield), Marcia Strassman and Kenneth Mars, was excised. It's easy to see why this never received theatrical release. Aka NATIONAL LAMPOON'S MOVIE MADNESS.
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Diane Lane Diane Lane as:
Christopher Lloyd Christopher Lloyd as:
Samuel Starkman
Rhea Perlman as:
Little Jewish Prostitute
Peter Riegert Peter Riegert as:
Jason Copper
Fred Willard Fred Willard as:
Pres. Fogerty
Robert Culp as:
Paul Everest
Julie Kavner Julie Kavner as:
Mrs. Falcone
Olympia Dukakis Olympia Dukakis as:
Helena Naxos