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Lonesome Dove
My Rating:
(out of 5 stars)
4.5 Stars
Lonesome Dove Poster
Primary Location: First Saw:On TV Saw at/with: On TV with Jessica
Rating: NR Year: 1989 Category: Western
Director: Simon Wincer Time: 384 min. Writer: Larry McMurtry & William D. Wittliff

Mine: The best thing ever done for TV. Great perfomaces from the entire cast.
Leonard Maltin/Plot synopsis: Epic story about two former Texas rangers who decide to move cattle from the south to Montana. Augustus McCrae and Woodrow Call run into many problems on the way, and the journey doesn't end without numerous casualties
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Robert Duvall Robert Duvall as:
Gus McCrea
Tommy Lee Jones Tommy Lee Jones as:
Woodrow Cal
Danny Glover Danny Glover as:
Jashua Deets
Diane Lane Diane Lane as:
Larena Wood
Robert Ulrich as:
Jake Spoon
Fredric Forrest Fredric Forrest as:
Blue Duck
Rich Schroder as:
Newt Dobbs
Anjelica Huston Anjelica Huston as:
Clara Allen
Glenne Headly Glenne Headly as:
Barry Corbin Barry Corbin as:
Steve Buscemi Steve Buscemi as: