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A View to a Kill
My Rating:
(out of 5 stars)
half a star
A View to a Kill Poster
Primary Location: First Saw:In Theatre Saw at/with: With Jessica at Showcase Ornange ( I fell asleep)
Rating: PG Year: 1985 Category: Thriller Action
Director: John Glen Time: 126 min. Writer: Richard Maibaum

Mine: With out a doubt the worse James Bond ever. Roger is kind of old. The villan is lame, the story lamer. Just really bad. The low point in this series of films.
Leonard Maltin/Plot synopsis: One of the weakest James Bond films saddles 007 with a bland villain (Walken, who wants to destroy California's lucrative Silicon Valley), a monotonous villainess (Jones), and a wimpy leading lady (Roberts). And it goes on forever. Only some spectacular stunt sequences keep it alive. (Oh, yes, there's also a gorgeous Russian spy--played by Fullerton--who disappears too soon. ) Moore's final appearance as 007. Panavision.
User Reviews:
christine's rating:
5 Stars
(out of 5 stars)
I think this is one of the greatest bond - movies of all times, and I especially like the performance of christopher walken (zorin). he is a great villain, and he plays his part very good. and he does a lot of the dirty work, unlike other villains.
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Roger Moore Roger Moore as:
James Bond
Christopher Walken Christopher Walken as:
Max Zorin
Ranya Roberts as:
Stacey Sutton
Grace Jones as:
May Day
Patrick Macnee as:
Sir Godfrey Tibbitt
Lois Maxwell as:
Miss Moneypenny
Desmond Llewelyn Desmond Llewelyn as:
Robert Brown as: