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Treasure of Matecumbe
My Rating:
(out of 5 stars)
2.5 Stars
Treasure of Matecumbe Poster
Primary Location: First Saw:In Theatre Saw at/with: At a theatre in Kansas? on vacation
Rating: G Year: 1976 Category: Action Children
Director: Vincent McEveety Time: 117 min. Writer: Don Tait

Mine: I bardly remember this movie. I remember the lobby of the theatre better. It's been 25 years, time to see again for a better review
Leonard Maltin/Plot synopsis: Two boys with treasure map are aided in their quest by Foxworth, Hackett, and Ustinov... and pursued by bad-guy Morrow. Ustinov adds life to Disney film, but the ``quest'' seems endless. Filmed in the Florida Keys.
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Robert Foxworth Robert Foxworth as:
Joan Hackett as:
Lauriette Paxton
Peter Ustinov Peter Ustinov as:
Dr. Ewing T. Snodgrass
Vic Morrow as:
Johnny Doran as:
Jane Wyatt as:
Aunt Effie
Dick Van Patten Dick Van Patten as:
The Gambler
Virginia Vincent as:
Aunt Lou