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My Rating:
(out of 5 stars)
3 Stars
Ransom Poster
Primary Location: First Saw:On Video Saw at/with: At Neils house on video
Rating: R Year: 1996 Category: Drama Thriller Action
Director: Ron Howard Time: min. Writer: Jonathan Gold & Alexander Ignon

Mine: Good yarn. Well written and acted.
Leonard Maltin/Plot synopsis: Gripping thriller about a ragged team of kidnappers who snatch the son of a self-made millionaire; soon, what should have been a standard kidnap-and-ransom transaction becomes a dangerous game of cat and mouse between the tycoon and the cocky ringleader. Plenty of twists and turns in this remake of the 1956 film of the same name. That's Nick Nolte's son as the victim. Coscenarist Richard Price appears briefly as Sinise's partner in an early scene.
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Mel Gibson Mel Gibson as:
Tom Mullen
Rene Russo Rene Russo as:
Kate Mullen
Brawley Nolte as:
Sean Mullen
Gary Sinise Gary Sinise as:
Jimmy Shaker
Delroy Lindo Delroy Lindo as:
Lonnie Hawkins
Lili Taylor Lili Taylor as:
Maris Conner
Donnie Wahlberg as:
Cubby Barnes
Paul Guilfoyle Paul Guilfoyle as:
Liev Schreiber Liev Schreiber as:
Clark Barnes
John Ortiz John Ortiz as: