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Mrs. Winterbourne
My Rating:
(out of 5 stars)
1.5 Stars
Mrs. Winterbourne Poster
Primary Location: First Saw:On Video Saw at/with:
Rating: PG-13 Year: 1996 Category: Drama Comedy
Director: Richard Benjamin Time: 105 min. Writer: Cornell Woolrich & Phoef Sutton

Mine: I have tried to watch this a couple of times. Fell asleep both times. That is not a ringing endorsement!
Leonard Maltin/Plot synopsis: Wide-eyed Lake, alone in the world, is impregnated by her sleazy boyfriend, who then kicks her out; a coincidental meeting with another pregnant woman on a train leads to mistaken identity, and she's taken in by a wealthy Boston family who think she's one of their own. Likable comedy goes flat, but benefits from earnest performances. Based on Cornell Woolrich's I Married a Dead Man, which was filmed before, more seriously, as NO MAN OF HER OWN (1950) and I MARRIED A SHADOW (1982). Paula Prentiss (Mrs. Richard Benjamin) appears unbilled as an obnoxious nurse.
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Shirley MacLaine Shirley MacLaine as:
Grace Winterbourne
Ricki Lake as:
Brendan Fraser Brendan Fraser as:
Miguel Sandoval as:
Loren Dean as:
Steve DeCunzo
Peter Gerety as:
Father Brian
Jane Krakowski Jane Krakowski as:
Kate Henning as: