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My Rating:
(out of 5 stars)
2.5 Stars
Kingpin Poster
Primary Location: First Saw:On Video Saw at/with: On video in Deep River
Rating: PG-13 Year: 1996 Category: Comedy
Director: Bobby & Peter Farrelly Time: 113 min. Writer: Barry Fanaro & Mort Nathan

Mine: Strange. Like listening to a very funny joke in a language that you don't understand. Should be funny, but falls flat.
Leonard Maltin/Plot synopsis: Once-promising bowling champ whose career was ruined by a sleazy competitor sees his chance for reflected glory when he discovers a potential ace, who turns out to be Amish. Stupid and proud of it, this comedy goes the gross-out route and then, halfway through, asks us to care about these pinhead characters! Setups for laugh lines or visual punch lines are muffed time and time again. What a waste. Super 35.
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Woody Harrelson Woody Harrelson as:
Roy Munson
Randy Quaid Randy Quaid as:
Ishmail Boorg
Vanessa Angel as:
Bill Murray Bill Murray as:
Ernie McCracken
Chris Elliot as:
The Gambnler
William Jordan as:
Mr. Boorg
Lin Shaye as:
Zen Gesner as: