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The Litle Rascals
My Rating:
(out of 5 stars)
2.5 Stars
The Litle Rascals Poster
Primary Location: First Saw:On Video Saw at/with: Kim and kids
Rating: PG Year: 1994 Category: Children
Director: Penelope Spheeris Time: 82 min. Writer: Paul Guay

Mine: Good for kids, but not much else. Lacks much of the inventivness of the old shorts.
Leonard Maltin/Plot synopsis: Spanky and the members of the He-Man Woman Haters Club try to sabotage Alfalfa's budding romance with Darla. Aimed squarely at young children, who will probably enjoy it, though it's no match for the original 1930's Hal Roach comedy shorts. The kids are cute, but Alfalfa (played by Hall) is the only standout--along with Pete the Pup. Gag cameos by a few stars and celebrities seem extraneous.
User Reviews:
Trevisol, Gullierme's rating:
5 Stars
(out of 5 stars)
Congratulations movie, is very good. i do ops... i love brittany. iam fromm is Braziliam. Please me contact to me e-mail, and reapted congratulations
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Travis Tedford as:
Bug Hall as:
Brittany Ashton Holmes as:
Whoopi Goldberg Whoopi Goldberg as:
Buckwheats Mom
Daryl Hannah Daryl Hannah as:
Miss Crabtree
Reba McEntire as:
A.J. Ferguson
George Wendt as:
Lumberyard Clerck
Ross Bagley as: