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Lost in Space
My Rating:
(out of 5 stars)
half a star
Lost in Space Poster
Primary Location: First Saw:On TV Saw at/with: On pay-per-view in CA hotel
Rating: PG-13 Year: 1998 Category: Sci-Fi
Director: Stephen Hopkins Time: 130 min. Writer: Irwin Allen & Akiva Goldsman

Mine: Terrible movie. The only that keeps this from being 0 is the presence of Heather. Who isways worth watching. Goofy story, badly acted. None of the camp of the TV show. Yuck!
Leonard Maltin/Plot synopsis: In 2058, with the hope of opening a gateway to a new planet for denizens of the overcrowded Earth, a family is launched into space, accompanied by a he-man pilot and the weasely doctor who tried to sabotage the journey. The 1960s TV series is re-created on a lavish scale, with impressive effects and cavernous sets, but hurt by crudely episodic story, grim tone, and paper-thin characters. Oldman, curiously, underplays the role of Dr. Smith, the inept saboteur. Angela Cartwright, Mark Goddard, Marta Kristen, and June Lockhart, stars of the original TV series, have cameo roles. Panavision.
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William Hurt William Hurt as:
John Robinson
Mimi Rogers Mimi Rogers as:
Maureen Robinson
Heather Graham Heather Graham as:
Judy Robinson
Gary Oldman Gary Oldman as:
Zachary Smith
Matt LeBlanc as:
Don West
June Lockhart as:
Principle Cartwright
Edward Fox Edward Fox as:
Business Man
Jared Harris Jared Harris as:
Older Wil Robinson