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Enemy of the State
My Rating:
(out of 5 stars)
3.5 Stars
Enemy of the State Poster
Primary Location: First Saw:In Theatre Saw at/with: Branford Hoyts
Rating: R Year: 1998 Category: Thriller Action
Director: Tony Scott Time: 131 min. Writer: David Marconi

Mine: Love the conspiracy movies. This is better than most. Will Smith is great. Helped by a stellar support cast and some really unexpected plot twists.
Leonard Maltin/Plot synopsis: Crackerjack thriller about a successful D.C. lawyer who happens to get in the way of a ruthless executive at the National Security Agency (Voight). The NSA official finds it necessary to ruin the attorney's reputation and throw his life into disarray... but the lawyer finds help from an unlikely source. Never takes a breath! Jason Robards appears unbilled. Panavision
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Jason Robards Jason Robards as:
Will Smith Will Smith as:
Robert Clayton Dean
Gene Hackman Gene Hackman as:
Jon Voight Jon Voight as:
Thomas Brian Reynolds
Lisa Bonet as:
Rachel Banks
Gabriel Byrne Gabriel Byrne as:
Fake Brill
Barry Pepper Barry Pepper as:
David Pratt
Jake Busey as:
Jason Lee Jason Lee as:
Daniel Zavitz
Jack Black Jack Black as:
Tom Sizemore Tom Sizemore as:
Paul Pintero
Bodhi Elfman as:
Philip Baker Hall Philip Baker Hall as:
Mark Silverberg
Regina King Regina King as:
Carla Dean
Ivana Milicevic Ivana Milicevic as:
Lengerie Salesgirl