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The Kid
My Rating:
(out of 5 stars)
3.5 Stars
The Kid Poster
Primary Location: First Saw:In Theatre Saw at/with: Hoyts Branford with Cheri, Ryan & Dan
Rating: PG Year: 2000 Category: Drama Comedy Fantasy
Director: Jon Turtelraub Time: 104 min. Writer: Audrey Wells

Mine: Very funny, often touching. Bruce does a great job. He has really good comic timing and gets to show of those skills here. The kid is also quite good. Avoids some of the obvious possibilities. Much better than "Frequency" which dealt with some similar themes. Lily Tomlin had some really memorable scenes.
Leonard Maltin/Plot synopsis: A cold-as-ice businessman who suppresses all memories of his childhood and shuns contact with his family is confronted with his 8-year-old self, and doesn't understand why. Well-meaning fable by Audrey Wells has its moments, but doesn't quite come off. Matthew Perry appears hirsute and unbilled.
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Bruce Willis Bruce Willis as:
Russell Morley Duritz
Spencer Breslin Spencer Breslin as:
Emily Mortimer Emily Mortimer as:
Lily Tomlin Lily Tomlin as:
Chi McBride Chi McBride as:
Steve Tom as:
Lawyer Bruce
Dana Ivey as:
Dr. Alexander
Cuba Gooding Jr. Cuba Gooding Jr. as:
Wedding Guest
Jean Smart Jean Smart as:
Deirdre Lefever
Melissa McCarthy Melissa McCarthy as: