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My Best Friend's Wedding
My Rating:
(out of 5 stars)
3.5 Stars
My Best Friend's Wedding Poster
Primary Location: First Saw:In Theatre Saw at/with: Saybrook Cinema
Rating: PG-13 Year: 1997 Category: Romance Comedy
Director: P.J. Hogan Time: 105 min. Writer: Ronald Bass

Mine: Julia has never been more appealing. Great supporting cast. Ruppert Evert steals all of his scenes. Very funny and touching. Great final scene. You are never sure how it is going to end.
Leonard Maltin/Plot synopsis: Roberts and Mulroney are old friends, and former lovers, who have pacted to wed at age 28 if they're both still single. When Mulroney springs fiancée Diaz on Julia, she starts to freak out and tries to sabotage the nuptials. Smart and funny romantic comedy (written by Ronald Bass) with Roberts scoring in a tailor-made role, and Everett stealing every scene he's in as her gay pal. Panavision.
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Julia Roberts Julia Roberts as:
Julianne Potter
Dermot Mulroney Dermot Mulroney as:
Michael O'Neal
Cameron Diaz Cameron Diaz as:
Kim Wallace
Rupert Everett Rupert Everett as:
George Downes
Philip Bosco Philip Bosco as:
Walter Wallace
M. Emmet Walsh M. Emmet Walsh as:
Joe O'Neal
Rachel Griffiths Rachel Griffiths as:
Samantha Newhouse
Carrie Preston as:
Amanada Newhouse
Paul Giamatti Paul Giamatti as:
Red Cap