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French Kiss
My Rating:
(out of 5 stars)
2 Stars
French Kiss Poster
Primary Location: First Saw:On Video Saw at/with: with Kim
Rating: PG-13 Year: 1995 Category: Romance Comedy
Director: Lawrence Kasdan Time: 111 min. Writer: Adam Brooks

Mine: I really wanted to like this, it has Ryan and Kline, who I both like. The premise sounded good. I bought it on DVD to see it again, but it just come off flat. It has some good Paris scenery, but that is about it.
Leonard Maltin/Plot synopsis: Charmless contrivance about a jilted woman who follows her fiancé to Paris and hooks up with a French rogue. Will these opposites ultimately attract one another? Duh! The stars' comic savvy can only carry this so far... though they're good, and the French scenery is nice. Soundtrack harmonica by the great Toots Thielemans. Ryan also coproduced. Panavision.
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Meg Ryan Meg Ryan as:
Kevin Kline Kevin Kline as:
Luc Teyssier
Timothy Hutton Timothy Hutton as:
Jean Reno Jean Reno as:
Francois Chuzet as:
Susan Anbeh as:
Renee Humphrey as:
Julie Leibowitch as: