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The Love Letter
My Rating:
(out of 5 stars)
2 Stars
The Love Letter Poster
Primary Location: First Saw:In Theatre Saw at/with: Hoyts Branford during a long lunch
Rating: PG-13 Year: 1999 Category: Romance Comedy
Director: Peter Chan Time: 88 min. Writer: Maria Magganeti

Mine: This could have been good, but it's not. Interesting premise and a nice cast, but just kind of boring.
Leonard Maltin/Plot synopsis: Low-key romantic comedy of New England seaside hamlet; bookstore owner/ single mom Capshaw finds a love letter that inadvertently gets passed around town. Fun at first, but slows to a crawl at the midway point. Capshaw coproduced; her daughters Jessica Capshaw and Sasha Spielberg briefly appear
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Kate Capshaw Kate Capshaw as:
Blythe Danner as:
Lillian McFarquhar
Ellen DeGeneres Ellen DeGeneres as:
Janet Hall
Geraldine McEwan as:
Constance Scattergoods
Tom Selleck Tom Selleck as:
George Mathias
Gloria Stuart as:
Elanor MacFarquhar
Alice Drummond as:
Postal Clerk
Tom Everett Scott as:
Bill Buell as:
Officer Dan