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Cookie's Fortune
My Rating:
(out of 5 stars)
3.5 Stars
Cookie's Fortune Poster
Primary Location: First Saw:In Theatre Saw at/with: Branford Hoyts
Rating: PG-13 Year: 1999 Category: Drama Comedy
Director: Robert Altman Time: 117 min. Writer: Anne Rapp

Mine: It was bound to happen, Robert Altman has finally made a movie I like. I is actually less that 2 hours ( a major accomplishment). The people are interesting, the story is coherant, very nice performances. Dutton and Lovett are stand outs.
Leonard Maltin/Plot synopsis: Conflict arises in the small town of Holly Springs when an old woman's death causes a variety of reactions among family and friends.
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Patricia Neal as:
Cookie Orcutt
Julianne Moore Julianne Moore as:
Cora Duvall
Glenn Close Glenn Close as:
Camille Dixon
Liv Tyler Liv Tyler as:
Emma Duvall
Chris O'Donnell Chris O'Donnell as:
Jason Brown
Charles Dutton Charles Dutton as:
Willis Richland
Lyle Lovett Lyle Lovett as:
Manny Hood
Ned Beatty Ned Beatty as:
Lester Boyle
Courtney B. Vance Courtney B. Vance as:
Otis Tucker