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The Phantom Menace
My Rating:
(out of 5 stars)
3 Stars
The Phantom Menace Poster
Primary Location: First Saw:In Theatre Saw at/with: Milford Showcase with Chris Hilton
Rating: Year: 1999 Category: Sci-Fi
Director: George Lucas Time: 133 min. Writer: George Lucas

Mine: Nothing could compare to the orginal. This is just a bit to slow, and a bit to serious. Still a lot of fun. Darth Maul is terrific. I can't wait for the next one.
Leonard Maltin/Plot synopsis: Qui-Gon Jinn and his protégé, Obi-Wan Kenobi try to negotiate peace but find themselves in the midst of war instead; while attempting to protect the Queen of Naboo (Portman), they stop over on the planet Tatooine, where they encounter young Anakin Skywalker , who clearly has a special gift. The beginning of Lucas' epic saga resembles his first STAR WARS film in both story and tone, with quantum leaps forward in special effects-- including computer-generated characters (like comic relief character Jar Jar Binks) who seem astonishingly real. Not a lot of heart, but certainly a lot of fun in Saturday matinee serial fashion. Arriscope.
User Reviews:
Axel's rating:
3.5 Stars
(out of 5 stars)
Not a bad film all on its own, but compared to the others, it's weak. Liam Neeson, normally a great actor (remember Schindler's List?), is really bland here and Jake Lloyd (as young Anakin) is annoying. The visual effects are terrific, though. Darth Maul is also terrific. But unfortunately, the film just doesn't quite hit the mark and is basically a long commercial. Why many think that Episode II is worse than this IS BEYOND ME, seeing as how Episode II was far more entertaining and had better acting.
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Liam Neeson Liam Neeson as:
Qui-Gon Jinn
Ewan McGregor Ewan McGregor as:
Obi-Wan Kenobi
Natalie Portman Natalie Portman as:
Queen Amadala
Jake Lloyd as:
Anakin Skywalker
Ian McDiarmid Ian McDiarmid as:
Senator Palpatine
Frank Oz Frank Oz as:
Terence Stamp Terence Stamp as:
Chancellor Valorum
Brain Blessed as:
Boss Nass
Samuel L. Jackson Samuel L. Jackson as:
Mace Windu
Keira Knightley Keira Knightley as:
Brian Blessed Brian Blessed as:
Boss Nass