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The Mummy
My Rating:
(out of 5 stars)
3.5 Stars
The Mummy Poster
Primary Location: First Saw:In Theatre Saw at/with: Branford Hoyts on Opening Night
Rating: PG-13 Year: 1999 Category: Action
Director: Stephen Sommers Time: 124 min. Writer: Nina Wilcox Putnam & Richard Schayer

Mine: Silly fun. Fraser is good and the story is not too bad. It keeps moving.
Leonard Maltin/Plot synopsis: Hokey, jokey, Indiana Jones-ish adventure yarn has little to do with earlier Mummy movies. Librarian and Egyptologist Weisz (clumsy in the first scene--then never again) hires Fraser to lead her to the "lost" city of Hamunaptra, where the tomb of Imhotep (Vosloo) is desecrated, to everyone's regret. Special effects galore, but no sense of awe or wonder; what's more, it goes on forever. Is that Dick Foran in the mummy attack scene? Panavision.
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Brendan Fraser Brendan Fraser as:
Rick O'Connell
Rachel Weisz Rachel Weisz as:
Evie Carnahan
John Hannah John Hannah as:
Jonathan Carnahan
Arnold Vosloo Arnold Vosloo as:
Kevin J. O'Connor as:
Beni Gabor
Jonathan Hyde as:
Dr. Chamberlin
Oded Fehr Oded Fehr as:
Ardeth Bay
Corey Johnson as:
Mr. Daniels