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Animal Crackers
My Rating:
(out of 5 stars)
3 Stars
Animal Crackers Poster
Primary Location: First Saw:On TV Saw at/with:
Rating: NR Year: 1930 Category: Comedy
Director: Victor Heerman Time: 97 min. Writer: George S. Kaufman & Morrie Ryskind

Mine: Marx Brother looneyness at its best.
Leonard Maltin/Plot synopsis: Marx Brothers' second movie, adapted from Broadway success, suffers from staginess and musical comedy plotting, but gives the zany foursome plenty of comic elbow-room. ``Story'' has to do with stolen painting, but never mind: Groucho performs ``Hooray for Captain Spaulding,'' Chico and Harpo play bridge, Groucho shoots an elephant in his pajamas, e
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Groucho Marx as:
Cap. Jeffrey T. Spaulding
Harop Marx as:
The Professor
Chico Marx as:
Singnor Emanuel Ravelini
Zeppo Marx as:
Horatio Jamison
Lillian Roth as:
Margaret Dumont as:
Mrs. Rittenhouse
Louis Sorin as:
Roscoe Chandler
Hal Thompson as:
John Parker