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Conspiracy Theory
My Rating:
(out of 5 stars)
2.5 Stars
Conspiracy Theory Poster
Primary Location: First Saw:On TV Saw at/with: On pay-per-view
Rating: R Year: 1997 Category: Drama
Director: Richard Donner Time: 129 min. Writer: Brian Helgeland

Mine: I liked this, but have not yet seen the last 5 or 10 minutes. I will have to do that before I write this review.
Leonard Maltin/Plot synopsis: Lumpy but entertaining story about a half-crazed N. Y. C. cabdriver who lives a life of paranoia, obsessed with a woman who works for the Justice Department. One day, however, he comes to her with a story that seems to make sense about a conspiracy and cover-up; soon, they're both embroiled in a situation bigger than they ever imagined. The script isn't airtight, but it's enjoyable, with Gibson's edgy performance right on target. Panavision.
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Mel Gibson Mel Gibson as:
Jerry Fletcher
Julia Roberts Julia Roberts as:
Alice Sutton
Patrick Stewart Patrick Stewart as:
Dr. Jonas
Cylk Cozart as:
Agent Lowrey
Steve Kahan as:
Mr. Wilson
Alex McArthur as:
Rod McLachlan as:
Justice Gaurd
Michael Potts as:
Justice Guard