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Under Siege
My Rating:
(out of 5 stars)
3 Stars
Under Siege Poster
Primary Location: First Saw:On Video Saw at/with: At Andrea Collingwoods
Rating: R Year: 1992 Category: Action
Director: Andrew Davis Time: 102 min. Writer: J. F. Lawton

Mine: Not as bad as you might think. Segal can't act, but that is OK here. Some fun stuff and it keeps the pace up. A good action flick.
Leonard Maltin/Plot synopsis: DIE HARD at sea, with cook Seagal playing tiger-and-mouse with thugs plotting to steal nuclear arms from aboard a 900-foot Navy battleship. Seagal's best film to date, though his acting inadequacies point up just how much punchier film would be with a better lead; Jones and Busey are better villains than film deserves. Worth it just to see Steve in a chef's cap. Followed by a sequel.
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Steven Seagal as:
Casey Ryback
Tommy Lee Jones Tommy Lee Jones as:
Damian Chapa as:
Troy Evans as:
Gary Busey Gary Busey as:
Comm. Krill
Glenn Morshower as:
Esign Taylor
Leo Alexander as:
Lt. Smart
John Rottger as:
Comm. Green