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Strange Brew
My Rating:
(out of 5 stars)
2.5 Stars
Strange Brew Poster
Primary Location: First Saw:In Theatre Saw at/with: With Peter L.
Rating: PG Year: 1983 Category: Comedy
Director: Rick Moranis Time: 90 min. Writer: Rick Moranis & Dave Thomas

Mine: Silly and dimwitted, but it has its charmes as well.
Leonard Maltin/Plot synopsis: Uneven but likably goofy film about Bob and Doug, the beer-guzzling McKenzie Brothers introduced on the SCTV show. Lags at times, but keeps coming up with funny scenes, especially when playing with the conventions of moviemaking. The stars also directed and cowrote the film, the first in Hoserama. Loosely based on, believe it or not, Hamlet.
User Reviews:
Ryan's rating:
4.5 Stars
(out of 5 stars)
This movie is one of the best cult movies of all time ehy, so if you diagree you can take off you hooser.
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Dave Thomas as:
Doug McKenzie
Rick Moranis Rick Moranis as:
Bob McKenzie
Max von Sydow as:
Brewbeister Smith
Paul Dooley Paul Dooley as:
Claude Elsinore
Lynne Griffin as:
Pam Elsinore
Angus MacInnes as:
Jean LaRose
Tom Harvey as:
The Inspector
Jill Frappier as: