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My Rating:
(out of 5 stars)
2 Stars
Simon Poster
Primary Location: First Saw:In Theatre Saw at/with: With Peter Loge
Rating: PG-13 Year: 1980 Category: Comedy
Director: Marshall Brickman Time: 97 min. Writer: Marshall Brickman

Mine: Strange and not very comedyish. Saw it a long time ago, but have no desire to see it again.
Leonard Maltin/Plot synopsis: Uneven comedy about psychology professor (Arkin) who's brainwashed by group of think-tank weirdos to believe he's come from another planet. There's a cruel edge to the humor, and signs of a serious film trying to break out, in screenwriter Brickman's directorial debut.
User Reviews:
Ellen Cloyed's rating:
4.5 Stars
(out of 5 stars)
A brilliant undervalued satire of academe, mediocrity, and intelligence. Deeply Jewish in its cultural identity, this film gently mocks the ambitions of Simon Mendelssohn, an assistant professor of psychology who is working on a unified theory of creativity. Manipulated by the curiosity of the amoral members of an obscure think tank, Simon unwittingly changes the world for the better, proving that wisdom is more powerful than IQ. Those without appetite for object lessons or without an appreciation of Jewish humor need not trouble themselves with this remarkable work.
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Alan Arkin Alan Arkin as:
Prof. Simon Mendelssohn
Madeline Kahn Madeline Kahn as:
Dr. Cynthia Malloy
Austin Pendleton Austin Pendleton as:
Dr. Carl Becker
Judy Graubart as:
William Finley as:
Wallace Shawn Wallace Shawn as:
Eric Van Dongen
Fred Gwynne Fred Gwynne as:
Maj. Gen. Korey
Adolph Green as:
Commune Leader