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Shoot To Kill
My Rating:
(out of 5 stars)
3 Stars
Shoot To Kill Poster
Primary Location: First Saw:In Theatre Saw at/with: With Jessica
Rating: R Year: 1988 Category: Thriller
Director: Roger Spottiswoode Time: 109 min. Writer: Michael Burton & Daniel Petrie Jr.

Mine: Above average thriller. Great scenery. Good to see Potier back on screen.
Leonard Maltin/Plot synopsis: Big-city cop (Poitier) is forced to team up with stubborn mountain guide (Berenger) to go into the wilds of the Pacific Northwest in search of a hunting party being led by the guide's girlfriend (Alley)--and infiltrated by a ruthless killer whom Poitier is determined to capture. Slick but highly improbable tale strains credibility, but keeps its grip thanks mostly to a riveting Poitier (his first starring role in ten years). Super 35
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Sidney Poitier Sidney Poitier as:
Warren Stantin
Tom Berenger as:
Jonathan Knox
Kristie Alley as:
Clancy Brown Clancy Brown as:
Richard Masur as:
Andrew Robinson as:
Kevin Scannell as:
Fredrick Coffin as: