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My Rating:
(out of 5 stars)
3 Stars
Scrooge Poster
Primary Location: First Saw:On TV Saw at/with:
Rating: G Year: 1970 Category: Drama Musical
Director: Ronald Neame Time: 113 min. Writer: Leslie Bricusse & Michael Medwin

Mine: Some terrific music adds luster to this compitent re-telling of the classic tale. Finney does a great job, but much of the rest of the cast is ho-hum.
Leonard Maltin/Plot synopsis: Handsome musicalization of Dickens' A Christmas Carol, with Finney genially hamming it up in the title role and Guinness a surprisingly fey Marley's Ghost. Leslie Bricusse's score is pretty forgettable, save effervescent ``Thank You Very Much''; lovely sets by Terry Marsh and evocative title design by Ronald Searle. Panavision.
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Albert Finney Albert Finney as:
Ebenezer Scrooge
Alec Guinness Alec Guinness as:
Jacob Marley's Ghost
Edith Evans as:
Ghost of Christmas past
Gordeon Jackson as:
Frend of Fred's
Kenneth Moore as:
Ghost of Christmas Present
David Collings as:
Bob Cratchit
Anton Rodgers as:
Tom Jenkins
Suzanne Neve as: