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School Daze
My Rating:
(out of 5 stars)
2.5 Stars
School Daze Poster
Primary Location: First Saw:In Theatre Saw at/with: With Jessica
Rating: R Year: 1988 Category: Comedy
Director: Spike Lee Time: 121 min. Writer: Spike Lee

Mine: A good but uneven. Some great scenes, in particular the trip to Burger King. Some of the stuff is just ick.
Leonard Maltin/Plot synopsis: Comedy-cum-fantasy about life on a black college campus in the South, where one self-serious student activist fights a lonely battle not only against the administration, but the pervasive mindlessness of his fellow students, most of whom are wrapped up in fraternity and sorority nonsense. Writer-director-costar Lee offers much entertainment and some provocative ideas, though he doesn't follow up on his initial premise until the anticlimactic final scene.
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Laurence Fishburne Laurence Fishburne as:
Giancarlo Esposito Giancarlo Esposito as:
Tisha Campbell as:
Jane Tousssaint
Ossie Davis as:
Coach Odom
Bill Nunn Bill Nunn as:
Branford Marsalis as:
Kadeem Hardison Kadeem Hardison as:
Spike Lee Spike Lee as:
Samuel L. Jackson Samuel L. Jackson as: