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The Return of the Pink Panther
My Rating:
(out of 5 stars)
3.5 Stars
The Return of the Pink Panther Poster
Primary Location: First Saw:On TV Saw at/with:
Rating: G Year: 1975 Category: Comedy
Director: Blake Edwards Time: 113 min. Writer: Blake Ewards & Frank Waldman

Mine: The best of all the Panther movies. It uses the real caper movie genre and wraps it in very funny comedy. Sellers is terrific.
Leonard Maltin/Plot synopsis: Fourth PANTHER film, and first with Sellers since A SHOT IN THE DARK. Inspector Clouseau is a superb comedy character, but director-writer Edwards thinks big, violent gags are funny. Best part of this diamond-heist farce is the opening title, animated by Richard Williams and Ken Harris. Immediate sequel--THE PINK PANTHER STRIKES AGAIN--is much better. Panavision.
User Reviews:
Kim's rating:
3.5 Stars
(out of 5 stars)
The second best Pink Panther movie, you'll laugh at this, but more at The Pink Panther Strikes Again....the antics of Sellers are just a pleasure to watch and have to view again and again.
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Peter Sellers Peter Sellers as:
Inspector Clouseau
Christopher Plummer Christopher Plummer as:
Sir Charles Litton
Catherine Schell as:
Herbert Lom Herbert Lom as:
Inspector Dreyfuss
Peter Arne as:
Col. Sharky
Peter Jeffrey as:
Gen. Wadafi
David Lodge as:
Graham Stark as: